Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 25

At the theatre to see "Cars 2"!

June 24

I wish this one would've turned out better- the sky was so pretty and those clouds you see along the landline were so cool!

June 23

Some storm clouds outside my office- ironically it didn't even rain til they had passed over..

June 22

I got stuck in road construction on the way from friend's house and was stopped right by this old house.  In the country here in NC you see a lot of old houses and buildings like this- I always wonder how someone could just up and leave a house sitting there to rot.. it looks like it might have been a cute little place at one time.

June 21

Yes, I have been bad again- sometimes life just carries me away.. here is the smoke in our backyard- we are about an hour and a half from the coast, and the wildfires there have been so bad that sometimes we have smoke from them where we live!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 15

from my garden :)  These are so tall they are leaning way over- I need to get a new planter!

June 12

I'm missing a couple of days (and I was doing so well!) so I am going to add this one from June 10- I took it with my phone- but I just love it.

June 11

A shirt I bought while shopping with Hanna and her friend

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 7

Some more flowers opened up today! :) And I'm adding a better picture of the baby's breath too. :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

June 6

I was so happy to have new flowers blooming in my garden I took the picture at night- since I didn't get around to taking it when I got home. lol It's baby's breath.  I have another flower blooming but it was only half open. Hopefully tomorrow it will open up. It looked kind of like an eye blinking today. lol I didn't realize how blurry this was! Sorry...

June 5

Progress on 'At Home with Jane Austen'- I know-sometimes I cheat and post pics of my stitching here. lol

June 4

I had some errands to run and David wanted to make a list of where we had to go.  He was my 'assistant' for the day and would check places off as we went to them. :) I like how he finishes the title of his list at the bottom. hee.

June 3

Progress on Summer House- movin' on up!